Episode 52: Why 2020 Was the Best Year Ever

Today I share why 2020 was my best year ever! And, actually why it was the best year ever for the human collective. I’ll also share with you how you can make 2021 and all following years, your best year ever.

  • Top reasons why this was the best year ever for the human collective.
  • Why you might have thought that 2020 sucked, and how to reframe this.
  • I list off a bunch of reasons as to why this year was amazing for me. (in an inspirational sort of way!)
  • I give you specific tips on how to make 2021 the best year ever.

Have you already planted a new destiny? If not, follow along with me and others like you who are ready for their dream life: youtransformed.com/destiny

Top reasons why this was the best year ever:

  • Awakening was accelerated for the collective. By being forced to slow down and look in the mirror, the collective has accelerated their awakening, this was the primary reason for the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • People that used to scoff at meditating or who previously turned their nose up at new-agey stuff have magically begun stepping into it.

    • Oneness spirituality has started to become mainstream. Witches, manifestations, and meditation are all becoming more commonplace. From stores to songs, such as Ariana Grande’s Just like Magic.

  • An opportunity to “practice what I preach” - really be a leader for others in their time of distress and confusion.
  • Standing strong with confidence that I am greater than my body, emotions, and environment. Really putting this to the test.
  • A time to go within even more so to tap into our divine gifts. People started writing music, making youtube series, starting new businesses, blogs, and so much more.
  • Creative solutions. We saw individuals and companies get creative on how to serve others and keep the economy moving.
  • Endings and new beginnings. Many people lost their job, or ended a relationship, but saw the blessing. Anecdotally, I have observed this happening a lot around me this year.
  • So many have poured into their closest relationships, such as their family with who they live, rather than putting them on the backburner. 
  • Hilariously inconsistent facemask policies. Such as long as if you are eating or drinking on an airplane, you don’t need it on, which is why I just eat one grain of rice the entire time I’m on a flight.

 Why you might think that 2020 has sucked:

  • Your business has declined.
  • You lost your job or had a pay cut.
  • You’ve been inside for several months. You can’t travel or do much of anything because of COVID.
  • Close family members or friends had transitioned because of COVID or from other causes.
  • You had travel plans and events canceled.

What you focus on grows. If you keep ruminating and picking at the scab, you’re staying stuck there.

“Just hangin’ in there.” “COVID sucks.” “I can’t wait for this year to be over.” “2020 has been nothing like I expected.” “COVID threw a wrench in my plans.”

In my life:


  • Went from sickly and skinny to gaining 15 pounds of muscle. 
  • Overcame a highly restrictive diet and 7-year chronic pain and digestive issue; I started eating bread, nuts, sugars, some alcohol, kombucha, and chocolate again - these are things that I haven’t eaten in a long time, and they would create painful digressions.
  • Overcame sexual dysfunction and pain and have healed and strengthened this area.
  • I haven’t taken any medicine this year, except for ibuprofen a few times when I had a severe headache.
  • I haven’t had a cold or virus this entire year, for the first time ever. 


  • I manifested the conscious relationships of my dreams, and have had intense closeness and intimacy as I have never before experienced.
  • I’ve co-created with ease with my dad and Krystal as we have built You:Transformed from scratch. I have also co-created with my business partner Bri with ease.
  • I am grateful to have amazing relationships with everyone on my team, and I have seen them prosper this year.
  • I have grown closer to my kids and we have made so many memories.


  • Sold my house.
  • Bought a gorgeous home that I manifested which checks all of the boxes, and has the most serene backyard with a creek in the back.


  • Stepped fully into my purpose of transforming 1 million lives at the deepest level by the end of the decade.
  • My other businesses have actually grown quite a bit this year, and are doing great.
  • I am 100% committed to the outcome, and have enacted self-integrity in all areas of my life.
  • Seeing so many incredible manifestations and soul-level evolutions take place in You:Transformed, through Plant a New Destiny, Soul Design, and our meetup group.


  • I became a spiritual rapper named Throat Chakra. The first one "Circulate Don't Stagnate" was meant to be a message to all, as I saw the coming tightening and hoarding of money, which would only exacerbate the problem.
  • I went to hip-hop dance classes and worked with a choreographer for my “Love Virus” music video.
  • I traveled to Colorado, Sequoia National Park in California, Washington, Oklahoma City, and London.

How to Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever:

  1. Choose right now that it will be your best year ever.

  2. Write a future vision for the next 12 months of your life.

  3. Enlist a coach or community around you to support your transformation. You must first be and then you will have.

  4. Be grateful for everything that happens. 

  5. Watch the words that you say and think, replace them with affirmations: Everything is always working out for me. I trust in divine timing. I attract love and beauty into my life. Money piles up for me. I am perfect health.

  6. Censor the trash and low vibrational inputs. Such as the news, certain friends or family members, environments, and possibly social media. Be very selective about who you are with and where you are at.

  7. Be open to change. What you resist persists.

  8. Know that you are always fine. Everything is ultimately always fine. Even death is just a transition. 

  9. Be a heroic optimist. Lead the way, your flashlight is your intuition/your higher self, your divine connection, showing you exactly what you need to see next, just in front of you.


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