Transform Yourself to
Transform Your Life

Manifest a New Destiny in 4 Weeks


Are you ready to plant the seed
of a new destiny?

Learn how to dream BIG and bring it to life - for real

Let's Dream It to Manifest It

What possibilities for your life do you need to bring to your consciousness? Many are unable to move past their limiting beliefs and manifest their destiny simply because of lack of awareness of what could be

What would it mean if you could turn...

...chronic illness into a marathon championship?

...being broke and in massive debt into becoming a well-respected multimillionaire? with your parents into owning a sprawling property with a custom built home?

...working a boring 9-to-5 into working 9 or 5 hours a week while traveling?

...depression into constant joy?

...anxiety into a deep sense of peace?

...toxic relationship filled with pain into perfect harmony with divine counterpart?

It all starts with the envisioning what your life could be. 

From a Tiny Seed Grows the Magnificent Sequoia Tree

If you could be, do, or have anything, what would that look like?

During this 30 day program, you will be planting and caring for your seed, allowing it to sprout and grow as naturally as a tree does. A tree does not worry if it will grow or not, and it does not stress or ask how it will happen. It simply grows, from a tiny seed, in the right environment.

Your Path of Growth and Manifestation

Week One

Envision the Tree

Giving yourself permission to dream again to create a new identity.

Week Two

Plant the Seed

Gaining clarity to supercharge your future vision with emotions.

Week Three

Remove the Weeds

Recognizing counter and negative emotional blocks to override.

Week Four

Return Daily to Feed

Continuing daily meditation, remembering your future in the present.

What You'll Receive Each Week

A Powerful Lesson

Short and direct, your weekly lesson will show you what's possible via easy-to-digest breakthrough information.


A weekly exercise which will put the lesson into practice. Do the work - get the growth.

Guided Meditation

Each week includes a guided meditation, custom built to make deep changes within you.


Reviews from Our Conscious Creators

"I have learnt the immense value of daily meditation, and how it can be used to manifest a life that is more fulfilling. I've given key areas of my life the attention they deserve - health, relationships, home and purpose. A major breakthrough for me was learning to start from a position of being, rather than wanting or doing. My favourite part of the program was writing out my 1-year future vision."

~ Lewis Greathead

"I feel stronger and more powerful than I ever have before. I have a deeper awareness of my thoughts and how they've been affecting my life. I no longer see building my business from a place of force ('I have to do it'). I now see it from a place of power ('I want to do it' / I receive automatic impulses that work in my favor). My favorite part was finding the disempowering thoughts I had then changing or removing them."

~ Daniel Martin

"Something very special happened there in my brain. After that first meditation, the next morning, I just... got out of bed. This is a process that usually took me a couple hours due to lack of motivation. And I just... did it. I started doing one small thing that day like I would when I was "my future self.” It filled me with a lot of joy. And then I just kept doing it. It was like... all the dust was slowly coming loose. I have so many wild ideas now, awesome things I want to pursue someday, and all of it feels... do-able! I just know I *can*, and it's an amazing feeling."

~ Jackson McCaslin

Lean into the New You
With Loving Action

Did you know that your new life already exists energetically? It is just a matter of you being a frequency match for this manifestation to fully materialize in your life. 

Plant a New Destiny Guided 4 Week Manifestation Experience


Lean Into Your Abundance

  • Follow a PROVEN path (by Michael and many students)
  • Each week is approachable and easy to integrate
  • A powerful lesson each week
  • Groundbreaking GROWTHWORK each week
  • Custom guided meditations specific to the intention at hand
  • Lifetime access to the program
  • A $300 CREDIT upon completing the program 100% - use it toward our Coaching program or a Retreat (we reward your commitment)

How I Went From Pain to Manifesting a Totally NEW ME

Your Teacher, Michael Hodge

There I was, sitting in an airport waiting at the gate to fly to California. I was going to attend a spiritual personal development seminar. A few months prior, I separated from my wife of 12 years (we also have three young kids together). It was as if a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders, since I had finally chosen to be me - and to live life authentically, rather than trying to keep a house of cards together day after day.

I pulled out my journal and wrote “September 14th, 2020” at the top. I wrote out what my life will be like, one year from now, in the present moment - knowing that it is already true. Nine months later, this was the life that I was living. 

How did I transform my life? In Plant a New Destiny, I will take you through my simple four-week program. This is WHAT I DID that you can do too. You must transform yourself to manifest a new destiny - that is my life's work - to show you how this can be done, and how incredible life is when you dream again.

I have now manifested the woman of my dreams in a beautiful conscious relationship. I have healed my chronic health issues and gained muscle (I was underweight and sickly), I just bought a serene home with a nature hideaway and creek at the back of the property, I make spiritual rap songs for fun and for movement - I work to serve, yet, I am still fully abundant.

I've recognized that WHO I AM BEING comes first, and then the universe responds. But, the universe will respond to the seeds that you have planted, if there was clarity in your "ask", and if you removed the weeds. This is the work that leads to the growth. I am grateful to take your hand and show you the way, thanks for choosing yourself.

Love, Michael

I made this course with my heart and soul because I believe everyone deserves to manifest a NEW destiny

All it takes is for you to say "yes"