The Path to You:Transformed is a proven framework for stepping out of the past and bringing your future to you. For changing deep conditioning, patterns, programs, and beliefs. The ones that sneak up on you when you’re stressed and anxious. The patterns that you can’t even see that keep you stuck. The programs that are your blind spots.

Know thyself to unlock your true potential. Once you take the time to KNOW who you truly are, life will become easeful, fluid, and filled with synchronicities.

Knowing is not enough, what are you going to do with this new level of awareness? Now you will align yourself and your life to your true energy.

Consciously create the life of your dreams. You can be, do, or have anything, now that you are experiencing connection, alignment, and living from a higher level of consciousness.

The Story Behind You:Transformed
I was coming out of a deeply painful divorce, somehow following this magnetic pull to serve others in a new, more direct way. I knew that it was my path to teach, but to whom and about what? I had been a martial arts instructor for 15 years, basically masquerading as a Sensei, who was ultimately teaching spiritual truths and self-mastery through physical practices. I had created language learning programs, been a speaker at over 120 schools across the state of Texas, created a new martial arts style, a new way to heal pelvic floor dysfunction, had three successful exits, built my dream home…yet...there was a calling to find my own Tribe. A Tribe that was like-minded and like-hearted. A Tribe that was doing the work to transform themselves to transform the world.
Other than my father (who I am so grateful for), I knew no one else in my life that was spiritually awake and aware. This led me to starting You:Transformed in 2019. Originally a weekly Meetup class in Dallas, we have since created a podcast, youtube videos, hosted retreats, and so much more. My dad and I merged forces, as he had been leading energy work and meditation classes for years in a small town in Central Texas, and we knew that this was truly why we were born in this lifetime. Everything prior was all preparing us for this.
Starting You:Transformed has shown me how incredibly powerful it is to have a spiritual community around you. My own growth has been accelerated, along with those who are a part of The Tribe. My father and I have spent years creating the most direct path to transformation. What is the proven, practical, step-by-step way to transform and manifest a destiny of your desire? That’s compelling to me. That moves me. That energizes me. We have been guided to bring Soul Design to the world (to help you better understand your unique energies in this lifetime and beyond). We have created Breakthrough, which is a fully guided 9 Weeks to a New You program. And The Tribe, a powerful community of conscious creators who are living in the work.
From overcoming my own extremely intense chronic pain, to relationship anguish, and major life transitions — I have walked dark nights of the soul. I have been so low that I asked, “why am I even still alive?” I have been frustrated by trying and doing and pushing and not seeing change. But…once it all clicked, it all aligned, once I started drawing it to me…once synchronicities just started showing up, once I realized that I am so in love with my and so in love with life that I HAVE TO SHARE THIS with others. I can’t NOT tell others. It is my gift to be able to do this with you. It is my honor to transform with you and become one heart.
How Can You Transform Yourself If You Don't Know WHO YOU TRULY ARE?
Your Soul Design shows you who YOU are at the soul level.








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Personal Readings
Discover your soul’s unique qualities and characteristics. Soul Design is a reading that gives you the blueprint of your strengths and proclivities in this lifetime and beyond. What is your purpose? What are your gifts? Soul Design helps you to know thyself.

You:Transformed retreats are powerful, loving, and transformational experiences that will elevate you to the next level. Attending a retreat is investing in yourself, in your future, and your alignment. Attend an upcoming retreat to experience our one heart energy and to leave transformed.

The Tribe is a group of doers, who are living the You:Transformed framework. Opening their hearts, meditating, connecting, and transforming — together. Through monthly classes, energy practices, and community support — you'll find a wave of momentum elevating you to a life of love and connection.

Breakthrough: 9 Weeks to a New You is a transformative, deep-dive experience that guides you across the river of change from the past you to the greatest you — complete with lessons, meditations, growthwork, and a fully-guided framework. Are you going back to sleep, or ready to leap?
About Michael Hodge
I always felt connected to God as a child. I was raised in a traditional, small town in Texas, in the Catholic faith. No, my dad was not a spiritual guru as I was growing up as a kid, but when I was in high school, we started to have these conversations. When I was 14, I began to see books lying around our house about spirit guides, UFOs, the other side, world religions…I read them. I was like, “wow, this is obviously the truth, I can’t believe I am just now learning about this.” But, I decided to go to sleep. I knew that these spiritual truths were within me, but I decided to grow a business, to get married, to have kids, to build the house — I just wanted to have the things and live the “good” life.
I taught martial arts with my father at our community dojo, and I created a way to learn martial arts online for others. I operated a successful martial arts school for years, created a well known martial arts style, a language learning program, and lots of other creations in-between. I enjoyed my entrepreneurial endeavors, but I knew that there was something greater for me to experience.
Spirit had other plans for me. It was time for me to actually live this work. I went through five years of pelvic floor dysfunction. After going to every urologist, getting all of the tests, trying natural healers, acupuncture, physical therapy, herbs, everythings possible — nothing changed. I purified all thoughts, emotions, substances, actions. I was forced through a dark night of the soul; a spiritual crucible to go very deep with my spiritual studies and application. Coming out of the other end, a few years later I went through a divorce, and experienced a major life shift.
I:transformed deeply, in every way. I lived the work and showed up for myself day-in and day-out. My body, my finances, my home, my family, my relationships — everything changed within a year. I experience so much love in my heart. I experience so much joy and energy rushing through me. I want you to feel this way too! You will be transformed.

Soul Design Snapshot
Soul Age Old Soul
Divine Qualities Manifestation, Love
Earth Role Server
Human Design Type Projector
Major Influences Source, Higher Self, Some Wise Arcturian Dude, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Jim Fortin, Eckhart Tolle, Derek Rydall, Gay Hendricks, Abraham-Hicks.
Hobbies Making spiritual rap songs as my alter-ego Throat Chakra, dancing, anything outdoors in the mountains, trying new brands of kombucha, hugging people before they are ready to be hugged, creating things that make others feel more love than they’ve ever experienced.
Interested in knowing your Soul Design? Click here.
About Jon Hodge
As a small child I felt loved and lived happily with my parents in a small town in East Texas. At the age of 8, I woke up to get ready for school and found my mother packing a suitcase. She told me we needed to go. Life changed dramatically for me and the loving family that I once had was gone. Over the rest of my childhood I had to learn to take care of myself. There was no love in the family and I became self-centered and got into alcohol and drugs. Amazingly I did have some brilliant moments as a musician and athlete.
The day I graduated from high school I packed my car with everything I had and left home. I moved to Dallas, Texas and went to work in a small electronics company. I spent a couple of years not doing much of anything in Dallas, and woke up to the realization that my life was going nowhere and I needed to get an education. I began my studies to become an electrical engineer, and met my wife, Mary, along the way.
Over the next 20 years I worked for electric cooperatives as a distribution engineer, in a stressful environment which required extensive work hours. Along the way I never really kicked my drinking habit and it became a problem. I did wake up to the fact that I was going to lose everything, my family, work, and life if I did not wake up and change. Some people call this the dark night of the soul. I threw the bottle out the window and began my healing.
My body, mind, and spirit was broken and I had to change. I was driving down the road to the office with a friend and passed a karate school. I looked at my friend and said, “Do you think karate would be a good thing for us to get into?” We signed up and my life changed as I brought my mind, body, spirit, and emotions under control. 5 years later I got my 1st degree black belt and had already been teaching classes as a brown belt for two years. I left my engineering job and opened up my own karate school. For many years I dedicated myself to giving back what I had gotten through martial arts.
As a child I never felt connected to religion as we hardly ever went to church. When I met my wife, she was a practicing Catholic. I have always been open to the concept of a creator and decided to become Catholic to be at harmony with her. I went all in with Catholicism, became a deacon in the church, taught Sunday school, did readings in mass, and played guitar at mass for many years. Secretly I disagreed with many of the concepts and never really accepted them.
After my dark night of the soul, I began to study and go down every rabbit hole of information I could find. I studied and read about all the religions. I tied together the common fundamental concepts of the religions. I looked at spiritual metaphysical material to see how it ties in with reality. I asked the universe to show me the truth of reality — and guess what happened. The universe responded and I was led to the information I needed for the beginning of my journey into spiritual mastery.
If someone else can do it, you can do it too. As I read and studied I was drawn to channeled material of Seth Speaks and Archangel Michael. I knew that if someone else could communicate with them I could too. I was beginning to use meditation and began practicing automatic writing. With much focus and determination I worked on communicating with Archangel Michael. Over a period of months I was able to communicate through automatic writing with Archangel Michael and a new phase of my life began. With this form of communication I was able to work with my guides and learn basic concepts toward self-mastery.
In daily communication with the higher energies I was lifting my vibration every day and learned that spiritual ascension is a process of clearing lower frequencies and tuning to higher vibrations. Another effect of consistent daily practice was the opening up of other channels of being within me. Things like, increased intuition, clairaudience, and clairsentience moved into my Being. I was then directed to begin working with energy and studied many different energy modalities. I became proficient in Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Reiki healing.
The next phase of my journey was the development of my telepathic communication ability with my Higher Self and guides. It took several years to develop however, with focus and daily practice telepathic communication has become a natural way of communication. I have learned to live in the moment and be one with the Source of my Being.
Everything that I have done everyone else can do! I am here to share my knowledge with you and love you unconditionally no matter who you are. I have so much love and joy in my life and I want you to have it too!

Soul Design Snapshot
Soul Age Old Soul
Divine Qualities Love, Order
Earth Role Priest
Human Design Type Manifesting Generator
Major Influences Source, Higher Self, Archangels, Jesus, Babaji, Ascended Masters and Christ Consciousness.
Hobbies Motorcycling, camping, hiking, being in nature, working with spirit, being and loving others and Living in the Moment!
Interested in knowing your Soul Design? Click here.