Reframe What It Means to Stand In Your Authentic Truth
When you start down a transformative path towards living your life as your most authentic self, it can be challenging to lean into your new state of being around unconscious family members, friend groups, and even colleagues. While you are the embodiment of the caterpillar turned butterfly, it won’t always feel amazing or be met with awe. You may find yourself shrinking back into past behaviors or omitting your truth out of...
When you think of voting, politics or perhaps a school board or council meeting come to mind. But voting is also an effective way to dialogue with the universe when you are looking to manifest a certain short-term outcome. Examples of this include getting a parking spot close to the entrance or being seated at that particular table you are eyeing in the restaurant. I find when I follow the process I am about to share, I get the outcome I want nearly every time. Here is how it works:
Does this sound familiar – you have the sense that there is something greater awaiting you in your life, perhaps a significant mission or more evolved version of yourself. A desire to uncover what is important to you and who you want to be in the world has started to form. It feels like an awakening. Yet, when you start to entertain or act upon these thoughts and desires, challenging and sometimes painful emotions begin to surface, either within yourself or in relationship with...
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