Why Manifestation Isn’t Working for You


Understanding the Science of Manifestation

Do you ever wonder why you keep creating results in your life that you don’t want, such as the same relationship problems or money issues? If so, it is likely you don’t have a clear understanding of how manifestation works. You are not alone! Many people experience this same struggle because they are unaware of how their reality is created. I am going to explain it simply, in a way that combines both a spiritual perspective and what scientists are currently quantifying through study and experimentation. By understanding these concepts, you can experience joy, abundance, and the manifestation of what you really want.

How Manifestation Works

Quantum Physics Made Simple

Throughout your day, you experience a certain way of being, which is made up of the thoughts running through your head, what you say, the actions you take, and the feelings and emotions you experience. Your state of being generates from within you, and you project it outward. This creates your aura, a field of energy that surrounds you and radiates out electromagnetically into the quantum field. What is the quantum field? Some call it God, source, unity, or energy. Everyone has a different way of identifying with it, but essentially, it is like an energy supercomputer that is operating at frequencies that are beyond your vision and hearing. It picks up on your aura, or state of being, and then responds. What is important to understand is that this quantum field, this supercomputer, is loving and unconditional, meaning it follows your instructions by giving back to you what you have given to it. In other words, it responds by creating more of whatever it was given.

Why can’t you manifest what you want? Because you are telling the quantum field something different. You might have a vision of something you desire, but internally your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are not in alignment with that vision. This supercomputer is very precise and will give back to you whatever you give to it. Here are some examples:

  • You are unclear about what you really want and so your garbled signal produces a garbled result.
  • You have a strong attachment to a belief or feeling that contradicts your vision, such as a desire for independence when you see yourself as a victim.
  • You attract the same type of person that drags you down in your relationships, but you don’t feel worthy of love and respect.

How you feel drives the manifestation process, so your internal state of being requires as much focus as what you are trying to manifest (if not more). Become very aware of your thoughts and feelings. Listen to the voice inside your head. What is it saying and how is it said? Doing so will provide insight into the reason you are manifesting your current reality.

YOU Are the Key to Manifesting What You Want

If you continue to get a result over and over again that you don’t like, then there is only one place to look to make a change – yourself. Most people have a hard time hearing that they are responsible for everything they put into the quantum field, and therefore, responsible for everything being manifested as a result of it. But that is the design. Think of it as a feedback loop. We’ve been led to believe otherwise, that everything is independent of the other and caused by external sources, such as another person or circumstance. However, it’s actually what you are thinking and feeling that is creating your reality. It can be hard to hear, but there is good news:

You are a powerful and creative being. Just as you brought a less-than-desirable reality into existence, you have the capacity to create a reality that lights you up and brings you what you actually want. You hold the power to transform yourself.

The path to manifesting a new reality for yourself is to change what you are thinking, what you are saying, and what you are doing. You have to change these things within yourself by releasing emotions that no longer serve you, and that takes some work that can be painful at first. But we are here to support you! At You:Transformed, we give you the tools to understand this and create a new reality for yourself. It will take some time to master, but you can do it! We are here to help.


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