The Tribe

Transform to the Greatest You with
The Tribe By Your Side

Align to your dream life with our proven path of transformation and supportive community of conscious creators.


Are you tired of consuming tons of spiritual content without seeing real change in your life?

Don’t go another day…

  • Following teachers like Dr. Joe Dispenza, Abraham-Hicks, Neville Goddard, Sadghuru — and not seeing any results.
  • Ingesting more podcasts, books, and events without actually living the work day-to-day.
  • Doing manifestation practices and rituals without receiving your desired outcome.
  • Going it alone, doing all of this without a Tribe around you.
  • Starting things and giving up when you are challenged.
  • Having a lack of commitment to your own transformation and creations.
  • Taking from the world without engaging in reciprocity and the energy of abundance.
  • Trying to piece together a path, while getting confused with different approaches.

I was on a very lonely and isolated spiritual path for over a decade — until I started You:Transformed. Yes, my father and I did connect which was a great help, but once I created a community around me, my own spiritual evolution was accelerated.

When you have accountability, group energy, momentum, and deep connection, you are supported and your transformation is amplified.



“Joining You:Transformed brought me a lot of clarity in my day-to-day life. More importantly it contributed immensely to my spiritual growth.

Abhi Muppiri


“I found a community that helps keep me honest with my practices. It’s made me more conscious as a leader. It’s helped me integrate my life and be a more complete person.

Shradha Aiyer

You Can Be, Do, or Have Anything

What are your biggest dreams?

  • Living an abundant life of generosity, prosperity, and wealth — YOU can create that.
  • Attracting the perfect complementary lover, that 100% F*** Yeah relationship, with passion, connection, and alignment — become LOVE and bring that to you.
  • Waking up aligned in your life purpose, feeling satisfaction and Source energy flowing through you as you give out your gifts — know thyself and align to you!
  • Healing your body, experiencing vibrant health, dynamic energy, and youthful vigor — spin those chakras and wake up your latent DNA!
  • Being surrounded by a high vibe family or loving, non-judgemental, connected souls — you’ve found your Tribe.

The Tribe is your guide. The Tribe is by your side. The Tribe is your kind. The Tribe is your opportunity to transform and align to your dream life, and to co-create a New Earth — together.

The Tribe is about living
the work

Are you ready to be a doer? Are you committed to your greatest self? Are you willing to step into the unknown and create from the field?

If you are dedicated to who you are BEING and to not doing the same thing over and over again (without any results), The Tribe is your family.



“It’s given me calmness and a peace of mind. A lot of that is coming from meditation and some of the techniques that Michael has given me to help me meditate.”

Chris Baken


“Here I’ve noticed this complete acceptance from everybody, so when someone walks in…there is this warmth, there is this love…it’s a really special community…we’re all transforming together.

Tyler Drake


The Path to You:Transformed is a proven framework for stepping out of the past and bringing your future to you. For changing deep conditioning, patterns, programs, and beliefs. The ones that sneak up on you when you’re stressed and anxious. The patterns that you can’t even see that keep you stuck. The programs that are your blind spots.



Know thyself to unlock your true potential. Once you take the time to KNOW who you truly are, life will become easeful, fluid, and filled with synchronicities.




Knowing is not enough, what are you going to do with this new level of awareness? Now you will align yourself and your life to your true energy.




Consciously create the life of your dreams. You can be, do, or have anything, now that you are experiencing connection, alignment, and living from a higher level of consciousness.



“My life appeared as if it was falling apart…You:Transformed helped me to stay on track. I finally learned to just be in a positive vibration and move forward.”



“I have taken some of the things that I have learned and actually applied them. I’ve become 100X more confident than I was in who I AM.”

Jason Crain



Local Classes (Dallas)

Attend our core Monday night class (open to Tribe members and the community) to experience groundbreaking information, group interaction, and energetic integration. Stay in the work with true doers on this journey with you.


Local Special Events (Dallas)

Members of The Tribe will also be invited to special local events. From in-person guided meditations, to energy practices, to chakra activations, rituals, sound baths, and much more — The Tribe will evolve and grow together.


Two Tribe Classes (Online)

Attend our Tribe online masterclasses to absorb consciousness breakthroughs, connect with your soul family, stay accountable to your transformation, and be supported by Jon and Michael. Replay will also be available.



In The Tribe, you have the opportunity to ask questions in the community. You'll be supported by Jon, Michael, and the other Tribe mentors. As you are growing, learning, and healing; this support makes all the difference. Chime in and share your own wisdom with others as we all expand together.


New Energy Practice

Each month, you will receive a new energy practice. This is a traditional meditation, walking meditation, energy work class, or yoga meditation. An energy practice that will connect you with the One Heart group energy of The Tribe, with a specific intention such as healing, manifestation, abundance, or heightened consciousness.


Path to You:Transformed

You will receive a guided path to follow which includes our programs, meditations, and energy practices. The Path is laid out for you to follow. Once you create your dream SELF and LIFE, go through for another round and elevate to the next level!

Support from Jon and Michael

Ask questions and get support from Jon, Michael, Tribe Mentors, and your Tribe family in the online community. You can also ask questions in the live monthly Tribe classes.

Align to Your Soul Design

Who are you, really? Soul Design is a system of self-understanding. Tribe members receive a $100 OFF coupon to get their full Soul Design chart and unpacking. Inside of The Tribe, you get access to Align to Your Soul Design. A masterclass, workbook, and meditation created to help you align to the true you.

A Dynamic Online Community

You can finally ditch IG and Facebook. The Tribe is a positive, loving, and uplifting community where you can interact, ask questions, post updates, and be supported as you transform. Easily access the community with the Mighty Networks app or on any browser. No ads or distractions.

Plant a New Destiny

30 Day Manifestation Course

You will receive full access to Plant a New Destiny, which is a very simple 4 week program to create a daily meditation practice, and bring about a new timeline. Envision the tree, plant the seed, remove the weeds, and return daily to feed. Separately this program costs $197.


9 Weeks to a NEW YOU

Breakthrough is our signature program of transformation. This 9 week program will guide you across the river of change from the past self to the greatest you. Filled with powerful lessons, world-class meditations, weekly growthwork exercises, and a guided daily checklist. Get support as you post your updates week-by-week in The Tribe. Separately this program costs $497.

Exclusive Meditation Collection

Over 30 (and growing) You:Transformed meditations, created with specific intentions and outcomes. We partner with a world-class composer to create custom rhythms, resonance tones, and emotional inflections to coincide with the spoken word. Access exclusive meditations that are not available anywhere else on the internet.

Energy Work Practices

Access our growing library of Conscious Energy Classes. Moving energy, becoming sensitive to the feeling, to healing your body, to experiencing when you are out of balance — these are benefits derived from doing energy work practices. Follow Jon as he shares his 20+ years of experience with energy work.

Priority Registration for Retreats

You:Transformed Retreats are getting more and more popular. As a member of The Tribe, you will receive priority registration — first dibs on purchasing a ticket to one of our deeply transformative retreat experiences.


This is YOUR TRIBE if:

  • You are ready to show up and live the work with us.
  • You love to contribute and be a part of the community.
  • You want to be challenged and stretched to a new level.
  • You want new classes, new information, new experiences each month — while being on a proven and guided path.
  • You want to experience more abundance by engaging in energetic exchange.
  • You are ready to finally transform by going ALL IN.

This is NOT your tribe if:

  • You just want to dip your toes in.
  • You are not committed to your greatest self.
  • You are not willing to show up daily and live the work.
  • You are more in love with your past and not ready to change who you are being.
  • You don’t like interacting with others and authentically share your experiences.

The Tribe Membership is Abundant with Value

Just the monthly classes, community support, and events are hundreds of dollars in value each month. Not to mention the full programs such as Breakthrough and Plant a New Destiny. The entire meditation collection. New energy practices. The cup runneth over!

Being a member of The Tribe is also about RECIPROCITY. Engaging in energetic exchange. Not only financially supporting and valuing this experience (which shows the universe that you value prosperity, resource, and guidance), but also energetically supporting the group by being involved. The Tribe is your high vibe family! Your membership supports the movement. Supports the continuation of our mission, together as One Heart. Thank you for your abundance. Thank you for your energetic exchange. We love you!

The Tribe is Led by a Father and Son Team Being Guided By Spirit

Michael Hodge
Teacher + Transformation Coach

After going through a spiritual crucible of chronic pain and divorce, Michael:transformed by aligning to his true energy, which is that of teaching spiritual truths in a way that are easy to apply. He has a knack for making complex teachings easy to understand and practical. Through creating educational programs in the areas of language learning, martial arts, and healing, he awakens sleeping dragons to their highest purpose.

Jon Hodge
Teacher + Soul Design Master

Jon has been on a 25+ year journey of self-mastery, which was brought upon by self-destructive behaviors, pain in his work, and discord in his family. By immersing himself in martial arts, energy work (tai chi, qigong, falun dafa), meditation, channeled writing, and the inhabitation of elevated consciousness, he has put these methods to the test. He has passionately developed the Soul Design system and is overjoyed by the opportunity to give others spiritual epiphanies that create soul-level change.

Like a Health Club for Your Consciousness.

You:Transformed Tribe Membership

Are You Ready for a Direct Path to Your Desires?


12 Months of Transformation = Only $1,111

  • Monthly Local Classes

  • Local Special Events

  • Monthly Online Classes

  • Monthly Online Q & A Call

  • New Energy Practice

  • Path to You:Transformed

  • Private Online Community

  • Ask Questions & Get Support

  • Plant a New Destiny

  • Breakthrough: 9 Weeks to a New You

  • Align to Your Soul Design

  • $100 OFF of a Soul Design

  • Exclusive Meditation Collection

  • Energy Work Practices

  • Priority Registration for Retreats





“I was tired of hitting a wall and experiencing the same things. I feel like it reaches down to the patterns that are self-defeating…this community helps you to see that and find that.

Khrys Reese


“The name itself has transformation in it…and it really has it. I’m being me. I can talk to people with the same frequency. After leaving here, I can feel the vibes in me — it gets me joyful!”

Yashwanth Eati

How I Went From The Same-Old-Me to Transforming EVERYTHING in One Year

I was on a spiritual path for over a decade. I dabbled in meditation. I would close my eyes for 10 minutes and calm down and feel more relaxed. I’d start thinking. I would consider all of the work that I had to do that day, get up, and move on. I dabbled with tai chi and qigong and yoga. I read books such as The Power of Now, Seth Speaks, The Christ Letters, Ask and It is Given, The Master Key System, Awaken the Giant Within…and my life was basically the same as before. Although I was shifting some internally, I was not applying it. Living and breathing it. I had not gone all in.

After being so deadened and unaligned with ME, I was finally led to separate from my wife and change our family dynamic. Life changed dramatically. I felt like I had a blank canvas, a new start. I decided to go all in. Every day, at least 1 hour of meditation, no matter what. Every day, aware of me, feeling into my future vision, activating the thoughts and emotions of my greatest self. I wouldn’t allow some program of the past to reactivate and pull me back there. I was too committed. In less than a year, I healed my body and grew muscle for the first time ever, overcame years of digestive issues, manifested a beautiful new home, attracted a passionate conscious relationship, doubled my business while working half the hours…and I felt so much love. So much authentic energy. I also started You:Transformed at this time, to connect with other like-minded conscious souls on this journey.

When you go all in. When you have a Tribe around you. When you are LIVING IT and not just talking about it. That’s when it happens. That’s when you go from being in the bleachers to being on the field. Are you ready to play all out and make this the best lifetime you’ve ever lived? Then this is your Tribe. I will see you inside! 
