Journey to Your Highest Self & Elevate Your Consciousness |

June. 22-23, 2024


Here I’ve noticed this complete acceptance from everybody...we’re all transforming together.

-Tyler Drake, Retreat Attendee

Merge with your higher self IN ONENESS.

Are you ready to experience more love and spread your light into the world?

  Walk as your higher self, merging your divinity and humanity.

  Experience deeply powerful meditations, to reach a new frequency.

  Reset your life and step onto a quantum timeline.

  Make soul family friends as we transform, connect, and have fun together.

  Hike and connect in this beautiful setting in nature, far from it all.

Journey to a higher vibration with us in the Hill Country. This is your soul's invitation.



“Having that enthusiasm for life rejuvenated…ready to go out and raise other people's vibrations, because what we learn here and what we experience here is going to change everything else. It's the butterfly effect.”

-Tanin Nazmul



“Energy in the room was just so welcoming, warm, and friendly.”

-Shradha Aiyer




Powerful wisdom shared by your teachers Jon and Michael. Going beyond information and into application. Mastering your energy, connecting in unity, and aligning to your soul's path.


Learning how to raise your vibration at will, being a conduit for healing, opening the portal, communicating with your higher self and guides, movement energy flows.


We will explore the beautiful, expansive property. Connecting wtih oak trees, breathing in the fresh air, seeing animals, and mindfully merging with the energy of the elements on hikes.


The stars are in CLEAR VIEW out in the country. We will gather around underneath the stars for a special cosmic, soul family moment.


Enjoy some homemade, healthy, clean-eating food while at the retreat. Expect high quality ingredients, with food made to your own specific dietary preference if needed.


What if you could communicate with your spirit guide or galactic guides to get the answers that you need, NOW? Jon is deeply connected and will be doing connection sessions live for all attendees.


Take part in third eye opening exercises to see what you've never seen. To hear what you missed. To feel what you ignored. Activate your innate intuitive capacity, at the Journey retreat.


Get the prana moving and flowing throughout your body in this enjoyable yoga practice. Whether you are an advanced yogi or just starting out, your body will thank you.



Saturday, June 22nd

Begins at 10:00 a.m. - Sessions + Meditations + Meals + More

[Sleep on Site]

Sunday, June 23rd

Ends at 5:00 p.m. - Sessions + Meditations + Meals + More

A Beautiful Retreat in Nature in Hamilton, Texas

We will be hosting this retreat at the Jon's ranch in the Hill Country, in the small town of Hamilton, Texas. Located about 2.5 hours South of Dallas or 2 hours North of Austin. You can see the stars at night, the closest neighbor is hundreds of yards away. Experience the calm, the quiet, and the GREAT ENERGY of this land.

Lodging Info

All attendees are invited to stay on-site in the house. We have three bedrooms available, along with large spaces in the living room, family room, and the screened-in porch. The bedrooms can be booked via the "bedroom ticket." Otherwise, please bring an air mattress, or cot, or just a sleeping bag/blanket/pillow. We have bathrooms you can use for showering. This will be just for one night (Saturday night). If you prefer, you can also stay at your own lodging nearby, and drive back on Sunday morning.


We will provide all meals on-site (healthy, non-gmo, mostly organic ingredients, whole food based). We will ask you to provide any dietary restrictions, so that we can serve you.



"a lot of healing occurred"

"It is about transforming who you are and connecting to your higher self and learning to be in joy and peace and bliss all the time. A lot of healing occurred. I let go of some things — it was truly transformative.”

-Leslie Noble, Past Attendee

"things are going to come to me easily"

"My battery is charged up. Things are going to come to me easily, effortlessly…I am not worried, kind of like a zen state — the way that I feel now, and the way I am going to feel in the next couple of weeks or months.”

-Daniel Martin, Past Attendee

"I know I'm transformed"

"It was an amazing retreat, I had never been to a retreat like this before, and I had been missing out. This was truly amazing, it was life changing. I know I’m transformed. I will never be the same.”

-Lisa Buford, Past Attendee


Michael Hodge

After going through a spiritual crucible of chronic pain and divorce, Michael:transformed by aligning to his true energy, which is that of teaching spiritual truths in a way that are easy to apply. He has a knack for making complex teachings easy to understand and practical. Through creating educational programs in the areas of language learning, martial arts, and healing, he awakens sleeping dragons to their highest purpose.

Jon Hodge

Jon has been on a 25+ year journey of self-mastery, which was brought upon by self-destructive behaviors, pain in his work, and discord in his family. By immersing himself in martial arts, energy work (tai chi, qigong, falun dafa), meditation, channeled writing, and the inhabitation of elevated consciousness, he has put these methods to the test. He has passionately developed the Soul Design system and is overjoyed by the opportunity to give others spiritual epiphanies that create soul-level change.


Be the Light of the World

  Limited Tickets Available   



Pay What Feels Good 💙 Choose Your Exchange

  • 2 Day Retreat Admission
  • Life-shifting Moments with Jon and Michael and all Attendees
  • Spirit Guide Sessions 
  • Energy Work and Yoga
  • Soul Shifting Breathwork
  • Expressive Movement Session
  • Third Eye Opening Exercises
  • Stargazing Party
  • Nature Connection
  • One Night On-Site Lodging (bring an air mattress/sleeping pad)
  • Or, Stay at Your Own Home or Lodging
  • Healthy Meals Included




  • 2 Day Retreat Admission
  • Life-shifting Moments with Jon and Michael and all Attendees
  • Spirit Guide Sessions 
  • Energy Work and Yoga
  • Soul Shifting Breathwork
  • Expressive Movement Session
  • Third Eye Opening Exercises
  • Stargazing Party
  • Nature Connection
  • One Night On-Site Lodging (in a bed, your own bedroom)
  • Healthy Meals Included

Evidence Speaks the LOUDEST


“Connecting to my highest essence and everything I want to bring about in my life. I feel I’m closer to that than I was when I walked in the door. This is a great community and I expect it to only grow because we're all very positive and I think speaking great truths that the world should hear.”

-Jason Crain



“Just come with an open mind, and the more open you are, the more you get blissed out.”

-Abhi Muppiri


Are you ready to go deeper?

Journey with us, in love.